Special Requirement Introduced for Longer Business Visa Duration in China

The Foreign Affairs Offices in Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Liaoning provinces have implemented a new policy that allows eligible foreign business travelers and their dependents to apply for M visas with a longer validity period. 

Eligible applicants may obtain a five-year multiple-entry M visa, permitting a 180-day stay per visit.

Previously, such visas were granted for three, six or twelve months with single, double or multiple entries and each stay for 30/60/90 days, depending on the circumstances.

Applicants must have a special invitation letter from the municipal Foreign Affairs Office when submitting their consular M visa application. Travelers who obtain the invitation letter can bypass fingerprint collection and delegate the application submission process, paying only a one-year multiple-entry visa fee.

An inviting organization in China must request the invitation letter, which may include state-owned, private, or foreign-invested enterprises.

According to Shanghai municipal authorities, the invitation letter application process takes around two to three weeks, including registration, document preparation, and processing. While no nationality restrictions are explicitly stated, final approval is at the discretion of the reviewing officer.

This alert, for informational purposes only, was prepared by Fragomen and originally published here. If you have any questions, please contact us.